Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to Couch Surf

The last week has been somewhat hectic and as a result, I didn't get around to giving this an update. Which is pretty much the story for every blog ever, at one point or another. I'm not too worried about, I will have to just make a better effort to not make this a habit. But I digress.
Since my last, long winded update I have been very busy at orientation for Whole Foods, setting up a tutoring gig, and being a social butterfly. A term I use intentionally so I can make a clear segue to my recent additions in body art.
Yes, they are real. No, it didn't hurt, you only have to make it through that damp, cold rag making contact with your skin. Which, according to the instructions, should only be 30 seconds, but it totally feels like 45-47.

My time is only becoming more and more scarce as the amount of jobs I apply for actually call me back along with convincing people to let me sleep on their couch while I work out when I will be moving into a place where I actually pay rent. Which is no easy task. It's like constantly badgering your friends to hang out while they slowly realize how annoying you are, or I am. Whatever. It honestly hasn't been that bad. I've got some really great friends here and no reason, at all, to complain. So I wont.
There really is an art to couch surfing. I suppose you don't have to, but if you want to maintain the friends you are staying with, treating the process like this will go a long way.
First and foremost, don't be a dick. At all. This period of time is temporary and as soon as you get back to the norm of having a space to call you own you can always be as much of a Dbag as you like. Just don't over do it.
Second, you should really go out of your way to make life easier for whoever is hosting you. Cooking meals, saving them leftovers, cleaning their kitchen/bathroom are just a few ideas. Honestly the more creative you get with helping them out, the less likely they are to become annoyed with you overstaying your welcome; which is something I am realizing you can comprehend in the exact moment when the thought crosses their mind. Discernment is a double-edged sword.
Third, treat every day like you will be leaving at any time. A bad habit is to spread your stuff out and "claim and area" as your own. Unless you get an actual guest room to stay in, keep all of your belongings together, zipped up, and ready to leave at a moments notice. This is easier said than done, but it will help you out in the long run.
Lastly, Listen to plenty Justin Bieber on the best speakers at the residence for as long as humanly possible. It really livens up the mood and get everyone is a super-positive/productive mode.

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